General & Honours in English, Economics, Education, History, Political Science, Sociology.

List of Subjects in BA:

  1. ENG (G) 101 (Poetry, Basic Usage & Language Skills)
  2. EL ENG 102 (Poetry, Grammar and Language Skills)
  3. ENG 103 (History of English Literature)
  4. HIS 101 (History of India Upto the Mauryas)
  5. HIS 102 (History Of North East India (1822-1972)
  6. ECO 101 (Micro Economics I)
  7. ECO 102 (Quantitative Technique-I (Mathematics)
  8. POL 101 (Political Theory: Ideas and Concepts-A)
  9. POL 102 (Indian Political Thinkers)
  10. EDN 101 (Psychological bases of Education)
  11. EDN 102 (Pedagogy)
  12. SOC 101: (Introduction To Sociology)
  13. SOC 102: (Social Research Methods I)
  14. ENG 201 (Drama, Prose & Language Skills)
  15. EL ENG-202 (Poetry & Applied Language Skills)
  16. ENG-H 203 (History Of English Language & Literary Terms)
  17. HIS 201 (History of India- Post Mauryan to Delhi Sultanate)
  18. HIS 202 (East Asia-1840-1950)
  19. ECO 201 (Micro Economics II)
  20. ECO 202 (Quantitative Technique-II Statistics)
  21. POL 201 (Political Theory- Ideas and Concepts-B)
  22. POL 202 (Western Political Thought)
  23. EDN 201 (Sociological Foundations Of Education)
  24. EDN 202 (Educational Management)
  25. SOC 201 (Social Stratification And Social Mobility)
  26. SOC 202 (Social Research Methods-II)
  27. ALTE (BA)301- (Poetry, Short Story & Composition)
  28. EL ENG 302 (Drama & Language Skills)
  29. ENG-H-303 (Writing In English From Nagaland)
  30. HIS 301 (History of India-1526 to the 19th Century)
  31. HIS 302 (History Of India A.D. 1550-1750)
  32. ECO 301 (Macro Economics I)
  33. ECO 302 (Public Finance And Banking)
  34. POL 301 (Indian Government and Politics-A)
  35. POL 302 (International Organisations)
  36. EDN 301 (Development Of Education In India)
  37. EDN 302 (Trends & Issues Of Contemporary Indian Education)
  38. SOC 301 (Foundations Of Sociological Thought)
  39. SOC 302 (Population And Society)
  40. ALT E. (BA) 401 (Prose, Poetry, Play and Language Skills)
  41. EL ENG 402 (Fiction & Applied Language Skills)
  42. ENG-H 403 (Drama & Composition)
  43. HIS 401 (Indian Nationalism)
  44. HIS 402 (History Of The United States Of America)
  45. ECO 401 (Macro Economics II)
  46. ECO 402 (International Economics)
  47. POL 401 (Indian Government and Politics-B)
  48. POL 402 (International Politics)
  49. EDN 401 (Philosophical Foundations Of Education)
  50. DN 402 (Educational Measurement & Evaluation)
  51. SOC 401 (Modern Sociological Theories)
  52. SOC 402 (Social Movements)
  53. EVS 501 (Environmental Studies)
  54. EL ENG 501 (Literary Criticism)
  55. ENG-H 502 (Fiction & Language Skills)
  56. ENG-H 503 (Literary Criticism)
  57. HIS 501 (History of Europe)
  58. HIS 502 (History of Christianity in Nagaland 1813-1972)
  59. HIS 503 (Social And Economic History Of Modern India -18th-20th Century)
  60. ECO 501 (Indian Economy I)
  61. ECO 502 (Economics Of Growth And Development)
  62. ECO 503 (a)- (Agricultural Economics)
  63. POL 501 (Comparative Government and Politics)
  64. POL 502 (Issues In World Politics)
  65. POL 503 (Local Self Government In India)
  66. EDN 501 (Education In Modern India)
  67. EDN 502 (Statistics In Education)
  68. EDN 503 (Educational Thoughts & Practices)
  69.  SOC 501 (Marriage, Family And Kinship)
  70. SOC 502 (Rural Sociology)
  71. SOC 505 (Gender And Society)
  72. CBCP 601 d (English Communication Skills)
  73. EL ENG 602 (Indian Writing in English -Poetry, Short Story & Language Skills)
  74. ENG-H 605 (Literary Theory)
  75. ENG-H 606-A (American Literature -Fiction & Drama)
  76. HIS 601 (World History)
  77. HIS 602: Political History of the Nagas
  78. HIS 603B: Introduction To Archaeology
  79. ECO 601 (Indian Economy II)
  80. ECO 602 (Economics Of Environment)
  81. ECO 603 (b)- (Financial Institutions And Markets)
  82. POL 601 (Issues in World Politics)
  83. POL 602 (Indian Administration)
  84. POL 603 (Government & Politics Of Northeast India)
  85. EDN 601 (Educational Technology)
  86. EDN 602 (Guidance & Counselling In Education)
  87. EDN 604 (Curriculum Development & Construction)
  88. SOC 601 (Indian Society)
  89. SOC 602 (Urban Sociology)
  90. SOC 604 (Sociology Of Tribal Society)

Bachelor of Arts (BA) Program/Course Objectives/ Outcomes

Subject Course Description of C-Edge College-UG (Undergraduate) BA (Bachelor of Arts) under Nagaland University which follows the Semester System (Three Years Course of Six Semesters)


  1. Subject & Course Code: ENG (G) 101 (Poetry, Basic Usage & Language Skills) – 3 Credit

The Course teaches students to write reference to contexts, prepare glossary from the text and find out the philosophy of life in the works and interpret the didactic value/ moral in the literary writings, and to teach and revise remedial grammar/ structural approach to language learning and skills of composition, compilation and communication.

  1. Subject & Course Code: ELENG 102 (Poetry, Grammar and Language Skills)-4 Credit

The Course gives the students an understanding of the bio-details of the authors, the background of the age/ time and elucidates the  works of the prescribed authors in simple language, gives  meanings of the words/ allusions and teach the students to write reference to contexts, prepare glossary from the text and find out the philosophy of life in the works and interpret the didactic value/ moral in the literary writings, etc. and to teach and revise remedial grammar/ structural approach to language learning along with the principles  and practice of précis writing.

  1. Subject & Course Code: ENG 103 (History of English Literature)-4 Credit

The objective of the paper is to make close study of the development of the various forms of literature age-wise, contributions of minor and major authors and their works and to enumerate the literary terms and concepts developed by the authors in various ages. This paper will identify major trends of English Literature with emphasis on social conditions and culture during the Elizabethan Age, The Age of Dryden and Pope, The Romantic Movement, The Victorian Age and The Modern Age.

  1. Subject & Course Code: HIS 101 (History of India Upto the Mauryas)– 4 Credit

The Course familiarizes the students with Social, Economic, Political and Cultural developments in India. It studies Pre-History, Proto-History and Ancient History of India. The paper mainly focuses on the Socio-Economic-Polity rather than dynastic History.

  1. Subject & Course Code: HIS 102 (History Of North East India (1822-1972) –4 Credit

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this course is to familiarize the students with the major trends of the Political, Social and Economic Developments in North East India from 1822 to the reorganization of States 1972.

  1. Subject & Course Code: ECO 101 (Micro Economics I)– 4 Credit

The Course teaches the students a basic understanding of the principles of Micro-economics. At its core, the study of economics deals with the choices and decisions we make to manage the scarce resources available to us. The paper discusses how and why we make economic decisions, and how our choices affect the economy. By the end of this course, the students will have a strong grasp on the major issues micro-economist face including Consumer and Producer behaviour, the nature of supply and demand, different kinds of markets and how these formal principles and concepts apply to real-world issues.

  1. Subject & Course Code: ECO 102 (Quantitative Technique-I (Mathematics)-4 Credit
  2. Subject & Course Code: POL 101 (Political Theory: Ideas and Concepts-A)-4 Credit

The Course acquaints the students with the basic normative concepts and ideas of Political Theory of State, Liberty, Equality and Rights. It includes also Law, Justice, Sovereignty and Democracy.

  1. Subject & Course Code: POL 102 (Indian Political Thinkers)- 4 Credit

The paper highlights the main sources of the political tradition and ancient India and its development in modern times. It critically assesses the contribution of key ancient and modern Indian political thinkers and explains their relevance to contemporary times. This paper makes an attempt to educate the students on the social and political ideas which can be traced in the writings of leaders of social and religious reform movements.

  1. Subject & Course Code: EDN 101 (Psychological bases of Education) – 4 Credit

Course Objectives: 1.To enable the students to understand the meaning and concept of Psychology. 2. To enable them to understand the dimensions of Growth and Development. 3. To familiarize students with knowledge of Learning and Motivation. 4. To acquaint them with the knowledge of Intelligence and Creativity. 5. To enable them to understand the different aspects of personality and means of developing an integrated personality.

  1. Subject & Course Code: EDN 102 (Pedagogy)– 4 Credit

Course Objectives: 1.To initiate the concept of Pedagogy and familiarize with the educational process. 2. To develop the ability to analyse classroom teaching-learning and the ability to observe classroom behaviour. 3. To develop a positive attitude towards life and the teaching profession.

  1. Subject & Course Code: SOC 101: (Introduction To Sociology)– 4 Credit

The paper introduces the discipline of sociology, including something about its history, questions, theory, and scientific methods, and what distinguishes it from other social science disciplines. Central features include social interaction and relationships, social contexts, social structure, social change, the significance of diversity and human variation, and the critical, questioning character of sociology.

  1. Subject & Course Code: SOC 102: (Social Research Methods I) -4 Credit

Research is an attempt to know new things, facts and information in a scientific way. It aims at interpreting and explaining phenomena adopting scientific methods based on empirical evidences and observable experiences. The objective of this paper is to extend knowledge of human beings social life and environment by establishing research generalizations and general laws and contributes to theory building in various fields of knowledge.


  1. Subject & Course Code: ENG 201 (Drama, Prose & Language Skills)-3 Credit

The Course teaches students to write reference to contexts, prepare glossary from the text and find the philosophy of life in the works, interpret the didactic value/moral in the literary writings, teach and revise remedial grammar/structural approach to language learning and to teach theory and practice of creative writing, essay writing etc.

  1. Subject & Course Code: ELENG-202 (Poetry & Applied Language Skills)-4 Credit

The Course gives the students an understanding of the bio-details of the authors, the background of the age/ time and elucidates the  works of the prescribed authors in simple language, give  meanings of the words/ allusions and teach the scholars to write reference to contexts, prepare glossary from the text and find out the philosophy of life in the works and interpret the didactic value/ moral in the literary writings, etc. and to teach and revise   approaches to language  skills like paraphrasing, annotating and analysing beyond summarizing.

  1. Subject & Course Code: ENG-H 203 (History Of English Language & Literary Terms)– 4 Credit

The objectives of the course is to make close study of the development of the English language and the influence of other languages on the English language, to enumerate the loan words, to study the literary terms, forms and concepts thoroughly and to study English Phonetics and practice Phonetic transcription.

  1. Subject & Course Code: HIS 201 (History of India- Post Mauryan to Delhi Sultanate)– 4 Credit

The Course introduces the students the element of Change and Continuity in Indian History: The End of Hindu ruler to the establishment of Muslims in India: The Cultural and Religious trends and its impact on Indian Society.

  1. Subject & Course Code: HIS 202 (East Asia-1840-1950)– 4 Credit

The objective of the paper is to introduce students to the political socio-economic developments and the European expansion and the resultant nationalistic movements in the East Asia.

  1. Subject & Course Code: ECO 201 (Micro Economics II)-4 Credit

The Course teaches the students a basic understanding of the principles of Micro-economics. At its core, the study of economics deals with the choices and decisions we make to manage the scarce resources available to us. The paper discusses how and why we make economic decisions, and how our choices affect the economy. By the end of this course, the students will have a strong grasp on the major issues micro-economist face including Consumer and Producer behaviour, the nature of supply and demand, different kinds of markets and how these formal principles and concepts apply to real-world issues.

  1. Subject & Course Code: ECO 202 (Quantitative Technique-II Statistics)– 4 Credit
  2. Subject & Course Code: POL 201 (Political Theory- Ideas and Concepts-B)-4 Credit

The Course acquaints the students with the Contemporary Concept of Political Theory of Liberalism, Marxism, Socialism, Power, Legitimacy and Authority. It also includes Revolution, Political Obligation and Resistance. It also gives an overview on Nation, Nationalism, Imperialism and Globalization.

  1. Subject & Course Code: POL 202 (Western Political Thought)- 4 Credit

Course Rationale: The objective of the paper is to provide the students with a comprehensive view about the various political philosophies of ancient, medieval, and modern thinkers. The course also aims to provide the basis of political theory and how political philosophers have shaped ideas of modern day political systems.

  1. Subject & Course Code: EDN 201 (Sociological Foundations Of Education)– 4 Credit

Course Objectives: 1.To develop an understanding of the role of sociology in education

  1. To acquaint with the sociological foundations of education
  2. To understand the role of education in relation to social change, social interaction and culture 4. To understand and appreciate the role of community in resolving social issues and educational inequalities
  3. Subject & Course Code: EDN 202 (Educational Management)– 4 Credit

Course Objectives: 1.To develop knowledge and understanding of the nature, scope, process and types of management.

  1. To develop the ability to identify the roles of participating members (individual or collective) and to plan various institutionalized managerial activities.
  2. To enhance the ability of decision making in educational management
  3. Subject & Course Code: SOC 201 (Social Stratification And Social Mobility)- 4 Credit

The objective of this course is to discuss the characteristics of open and closed stratification systems and to impart knowledge to the students the existing theories of social stratification and its relevance in contemporary society.

  1. Subject & Course Code: SOC 202 (Social Research Methods-II)- 4 Credit

The course aims to provide an understanding of the nature of social phenomena, the issues involved in social research and the ways and means of understanding and studying social reality. Thus, the emphasis is three fold. First, the study of research method may understand social reality. Second, tools and techniques are only instruments and not end or goal of research. Third, there are different perspectives and methods (as in quantitative and qualitative research) of understanding social phenomena.


  1. Subject & Course Code: ALTE(BA)301- (Poetry, Short Story & Composition)-3 Credit

The Course teaches the students to write reference to contexts, prepare glossary from the text and find out the philosophy of life in the works, interpret the didactic value/moral in the writings etc. teach and revise remedial grammar/structural approach to language learning along with skills of composition like paragraph writing.

  1. Subject & Course Code: ELENG 302 (Drama & Language Skills)-4 Credit

The Course gives the students an understanding of the bio-details of the authors, the background of the age/ time and elucidates the  works of the prescribed authors in simple language, give  meanings of the words/ allusions and teach the scholars to write reference to contexts, prepare glossary from the text and find out the philosophy of life in the works and interpret the didactic value/ moral in the literary writings, etc. and to teach and revise   language skills like journalistic report writing, critical writing etc.

  1. Subject & Course Code: ENG-H-303 (Writing In English From Nagaland)-4 Credit

The Course gives the students an understanding of the bio-details of the authors, and elucidates the works of the prescribed authors in simple language, give meanings of the words/ allusions and   prepare glossary from the text and find out the philosophy of life in the works and interpret the didactic value/ moral in the literary writings, etc.

  1. Subject & Course Code: HIS 301 (History of India-1526 to the 19th Century)– 4 Credit

The Course studies the trends and Developments in India during Mughal and the British Period. The paper deals with the establishment of Mughal dynasty in India, the Expansion, Political, Economic, Social, Religious, Art & Literature: The coming of Europeans in India, Portuguese, Dutch, French and English: English expansion in India and its impact on Indian Economy: The Socio-Religious awakening among the Indians in the 18th Century India, the various Cultural and Social changes brought by various reformers.

  1. Subject & Course Code: HIS 302 (History Of India A.D. 1550-1750) – 4 Credit

The course is designed to familiarize students with the Social, Economic, Political and Cultural Developments during Mughal Period. The emphasis is on Socio-Economic conditions.

  1. Subject & Course Code: ECO 301 (Macro Economics I)– 4 Credit

The Course introduces students to the basic concepts in Microeconomics, definition, and measurement of the economy variables like GDP, consumption, savings, investment theory and theories of interest. In addition to this, the paper also deals with money, banking, and supply of money, inflation and trade cycle. It also entails analysis on aggregate measures such as national income, national output, unemployment, price stability and full employment. This course prompts the students to think critically about the national and global issues we currently face and to draw challenging conclusions from a vast array of perspectives, tools and alternatives.

  1. Subject & Course Code: ECO 302 (Public Finance And Banking)- 4 Credit
  2. Subject & Course Code: POL 301 (Indian Government and Politics-A)– 4 Credit

The Course familiarises the students with the legal and philosophical framework of the political system in India. It simultaneously studies in detail the political structure both Constitutional and Administrative. It also intends to strengthen the understanding and appreciation of the rights and privileges granted by the Indian Constitution. The paper also focuses on the political process and the actual functioning of the political system.

  1. Subject & Course Code: POL 302 (International Organisations)– 4 Credit

Course Rationale: This course has its central objective to provide a comprehensive introduction to the most important multilateral political organization in international relations. It also deals with the major global issues and challenges and their ramification for the international society. It also acquaints the students with the growing significance of regional grouping.

  1. Subject & Course Code: EDN 301 (Development Of Education In India)- 4 Credit

Course Objectives: 1.To understand the historical development of education in India

  1. To understand the salient features of ancient & medieval education
  2. To acquaint with the genesis of the Modern Indian Education
  3. Subject & Course Code: EDN 302 (Trends & Issues Of Contemporary Indian Education) – 4 Credit

Course Objectives: 1.To develop understanding of significant trends and issues in contemporary education

  1. To focus on certain major national and social issues and the role of education in relation to them
  2. To develop understanding of alternative systems of education
  3. Subject & Course Code: SOC 301 (Foundations Of Sociological Thought)– 4 Credit

This paper is intended to familiarise the students with the social, political, economic and intellectual contexts in which sociology emerged as a distinctive discipline. Its objective is to help students gain an understanding of some of the classical contributions in sociology, and their continuing relevance to its contemporary concerns.

  1. Subject & Course Code: SOC 302 (Population And Society)- 4 Credit

The objective of the paper is to understand the influence of population on social phenomena – To acquaint students the demographic features and trends of Indian society vis-à-vis World population – To understand population control in terms of social needs – To appreciate population control measures and their implementation.


  1. Subject & Course Code: ALT E. (BA) 401 (Prose, Poetry, Play and Language Skills)– 4 Credit The Course teaches students to write reference to contexts, prepare glossary from the text and find out the philosophy of life in the works and interpret the didactic value/moral in the literary writings, etc. and to teach and revise remedial grammar/structural approach to language learning along with the principles and practice of précis writing.
  2. Subject & Course Code: ELENG 402 (Fiction & Applied Language Skills) – 4 Credit

The objective of the paper is to give the students the bio-details of the authors, the background of the age/ time and elucidate the  works of the prescribed authors in simple language, give  meanings of the words/ allusions and teach the scholars to write reference to contexts, prepare glossary from the text and find out the philosophy of life in the works and interpret the didactic value/ moral in the literary writings, etc. and to teach and   revise  language skills like letter/application writing, critical comments, etc.

  1. Subject & Course Code: ENG-H 403 (Drama& Composition)– 4 Credit

The objective of the paper is to give the students the bio-details of the authors, the background of the age/ time and elucidate the works of the prescribed authors in simple language, give meanings of the words/ allusions and teach the scholars to write reference to contexts, prepare glossary from the text and find out the philosophy of life in the works and interpret the didactic value/ moral in the literary writings, and to teach the skills of composition and dialogue writing.

  1. Subject & Course Code: HIS 401 (Indian Nationalism)– 4 Credit

The Course familiarises the students about the rise of Revolt of Indian against the British Rule in India: Peasant Revolt of 1857: Emergence of Nationalism and the Origin of Indian Nationalist Congress to the Rise of Mahatma Gandhi and his role in Indian Independence: The various Constitutional developments brought by the British India: Achievement of Indian Independence.

  1. Subject & Course Code: HIS 402 (History Of The United States Of America)– 4 Credit

The objective of this course is to familiarize the students with the major Political, Economic, Social and Military Forces that shaped the history of the USA from colonial days to the Second World War.

  1. Subject & Course Code: ECO 401 (Macro Economics II)– 4 Credit

The Course introduces students to the basic concepts in Microeconomics, definition, and measurement of the economy variables like GDP, consumption, savings, investment theory and theories of interest. In addition to this, the paper also deals with money, banking, and supply of money, inflation and trade cycle. It also entails analysis on aggregate measures such as national income, national output, unemployment, price stability and full employment. This course prompts the students to think critically about the national and global issues we currently face and to draw challenging conclusions from a vast array of perspectives, tools and alternatives.

  1. Subject & Course Code: ECO 402 (International Economics)- 4 Credit
  2. Subject & Course Code: POL 401 (Indian Government and Politics-B)– 4 Credit

The Course attempts to acquaint the students with the processes and the functioning of Indian political system. It focuses on the Centre-State relations within the Indian Federal System. It also emphasises on issues such as caste, communalism and regionalism and critically assesses its impact on the political processes.

  1. Subject & Course Code: POL 402 (International Politics)- 4 Credit

This paper deals with concepts and dimensions of International Politics and makes an analysis of different theories highlighting the major debates and differences within the different theoretical paradigms.

  1. Subject & Course Code: EDN 401 (Philosophical Foundations Of Education)– 4 Credit
    Course Objectives: 1. To understand the meaning, aims and function of education
  2. To develop an understanding of the role of major schools of philosophy in education
  3. To acquaint with the philosophical foundations of education
  4. Subject & Course Code: EDN 402 (Educational Measurement & Evaluation)- 4 Credit

Course Objectives: 1.To develop understanding of the concepts of measurement and evaluation in the field of education

  1. To acquaint with different types of measuring instruments and their uses
  2. To acquaint with the principals of test construction both educational and psychological
  3. To develop understanding of a good measuring instrument and their importance in educational measurement
  4. Subject & Course Code: SOC 401 (Modern Sociological Theories) – 4 Credit

The course intends to familiarise students with the social, political, economic and intellectual context in which sociology emerges as a distinctive discipline. Its objective is to help students gaining understanding of some of modern social thinkers and its contribution in sociology, and their continuing relevance.

  1. Subject & Course Code: SOC 402 (Social Movements)- 4 Credit

The objective of this paper is to dwell on social movements, types, causes and analyse possible solutions, as a purely academic exercise. The paper sees social life as a competition and focuses on the distribution of resources, power, and inequality. The paper aims to throw light on the futility of the use of violence for achieving one’s desire; it instead, hopes to highlight the path for peaceful sociological solutions


  1. Subject & Course Code: EVS 501 (Environmental Studies)-3 Credit

The Course provides the students the importance of environmental science and environmental studies. It covers areas like- Environmental Studies and its Scope; Need for public awareness and sustainable development; Natural resources; Role of individual in Conservation and Equitable use of Resources; Eco-System and its different types, How it function; Bio-diversity and its Conservation; Environmental pollution; Waste management; Social issues and the Environment; Human Population and the Environment.

  1. Subject & Course Code: ELENG 501 (Literary Criticism)-4 Credit

Objectives: To make point wise summary of the views of the critics in the prescribed texts   to understand and realize them in proper perspectives to apply them in analysing the literary texts and to study history/ development of literary criticism and principles of practical criticism with application.

  1. Subject & Course Code: ENG-H 502 (Fiction & Language Skills)- 4 Credit

The objective of the paper is to give the students the bio-details of the authors, the background of the age/ time and elucidate the works of the prescribed authors in simple language, give meanings of the words/ allusions and teach the scholars to write reference to contexts, prepare glossary from the text and find out the philosophy of life in the works and interpret the didactic value/ moral in the literary writings, and to teach them skills of composition and book review.

  1. Subject & Course Code: ENG-H 503 (Literary Criticism)- 4 Credit

Objectives: To make point wise summary of the views of the critics in the prescribed texts and to understand and realize them in proper perspectives to apply them in analysing the literary texts and study the history of  Literary Criticism. It also helps to critically analyse the literary work.

  1. Subject & Course Code: HIS 501 (History of Europe)– 4 Credit

The Course introduces the major developments in the World from- The Decline of Feudalism, Rise of New monarchies, Renaissance, Geographical discoveries in 15th– 16th C, Religious trends, Economic Origin leading to the rise of Mercantilism to Colonialism, Industrial Revolution, French Revolution.

  1. Subject & Course Code: HIS 502 (History of Christianity in Nagaland 1813-1972)- 4 Credit

Scope and objectives: The purpose of the course is to introduce the students the history of Christianity in Nagaland from its beginning in the nineteenth century up to 1972.

  1. Subject & Course Code: HIS 503 (Social And Economic History Of Modern India -18th-20th Century)– 4 Credit

This course is intended to provide a general understanding of social changes and Economic Developments in Modem India.

  1. Subject & Course Code: ECO 501 (Indian Economy I)– 4 Credit

This Course exposes students to the structure of the Indian economy, major areas of concern like poverty, inequality, unemployment, planning in India and also the operations of different banking sectors India.

  1. Subject & Course Code: ECO 502 (Economics Of Growth And Development)- 4 Credit
  2. Subject & Course Code: ECO 503 (a)- (Agricultural Economics)- 4 Credit
  3. Subject & Course Code: POL 501 (Comparative Government and Politics)– 4 Credit

The Course intends to highlight on the evolution and approaches to the study of Comparative Politics. It studies the major political systems of the World by adopting a comparative approach. The Comparative perspective enables the students to understand the differences and similarities between the various constitutional arrangements. It also analyses in a comparative way the political systems in the third world countries.

  1. Subject & Course Code: POL 502 (Issues In World Politics)– 4 Credit

The course offers a brief survey of the contemporary international issues in the context of the changing global political environment. The course examine frozen conflicts such as the Arab-Israeli conflicts and conclude by looking at the problems of the global commons such as climate change, global warming and the growing problem of neo-colonisation.

  1. Subject & Course Code: POL 503 (Local Self Government In India)- 4 Credit

This paper deals with the grass root level democratic units and their significance to our democracy and governance, their composition and powers and relevance of decentralization in contemporary set up. The course adds to the understanding of the students of the process and politics of building institutions, capacities of safeguards under the on-going decentralization campaign.

  1. Subject & Course Code: EDN 501 (Education In Modern India)- 4 Credit

Objectives: 1.To acquire adequate knowledge of the recommendations of various education commissions

  1. To understand the issues and problems of education at various levels of education
  2. Subject & Course Code: EDN 502 (Statistics In Education)- 4 Credit

Course Objectives: 1.To develop the ability to use various statistics measures in analysis and interpretation of educational data.

  1. To develop the ability to organize relevant educational data
  2. To develop the ability to represent educational data graphs and to develop the skill in analysing different descriptive measures
  1. Subject & Course Code: EDN 503 (Educational Thoughts & Practices)- 4 Credit

Course Objectives: 1.To develop an understanding of educational ideas of Indian and western educators

  1. To obtain knowledge of pedagogical concepts given by various educators
  2. To understand and appreciate scientific approach to the study of some educational problems
  3. Subject & Course Code: SOC 501 (Marriage, Family And Kinship)– 4 Credit

To acquaint the undergraduate student with the basic concepts in family and kinship studies and demonstrate how structural principles are used by societies in a consistent logical way to organize groups and categories and infuse them with cultural meanings so that the societal objectives of social integration, social reproduction and social continuity are realized. The ubiquity of marriage, family and kinship and the variation in their use of structural and cultural principles necessitates a comparative approach to their study. Within India the sharp regional variations in kinship and marriage bring home the meaning and significance of cultural diversity and pluralism.

  1. Subject & Course Code: SOC 502 (Rural Sociology)- 4 Credit

The agrarian structure and development in India are the two principal sources of approach to study the rural society in India. This course plan emerges as a basis for developing a sociological skill on peasant and social structure – To provide sociological understanding of rural social structure, change and development in India – To impart sociological skills to reconstruct rural institution and rural development programmes to plan, monitor and evaluate rural development programmes – To acquaint students with the prevailing two approaches to the study of rural society: Rural community and peasantry.

  1. Subject & Course Code: SOC 505 (Gender And Society)- 4 Credit

This course plan focuses on the emergence of women’s movements and women’s studies in the context of feminist thought and critiques of sociological theories and methodologies. The objective is to trace the evolution of gender as a category of social analysis in the late twentieth century. Major debates that have emerged are also outlined. The format provides for a comparative perspective in so far as the first part encompasses the developed and the developing countries while the second part revolves around issues concerning Indian women. It is hoped that exposure to the course will lead to a better understanding of the social phenomena.


  1. Subject & Course Code: CBCP 601 d (English Communication Skills) – 3 Credit

This paper is specifically for students who want to improve their English communication skills, and to be better prepared to enter the workforce after Graduation. The practical component will enable them to integrate the skills as a natural element of their personal and professional transactions.

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course, students should be able to:

  • Have a thorough understanding of the principles and domains of communication skills
  • Improve in fluency in different communicative contexts (both professional and everyday usage).
  • Improve in communication skills and function more efficiently at the workplace and in interpersonal relationships.
  • Attain a high level of confidence to achieve professional success.
  1. Subject & Course Code: ELENG 602 (Indian Writing in English -Poetry, Short Story & Language Skills)- 4 Credit

Objectives: The teachers are to give the students the bio-details of the authors, the background of the age/ time and elucidate the works of the prescribed authors in simple language, give  meanings of the words/ allusions and teach the scholars to write reference to contexts, prepare glossary from the text and find out the philosophy of  life in the works and interpret the didactic value/ moral in the literary writings,  and to enthuse them to write literary essays on various aspects of literature.

  1. Subject & Course Code: ENG-H 605 (Literary Theory)- 4 Credit

Objectives: To make point wise summary of the views of the critics in the prescribed texts and to understand and realize them in proper perspectives to apply them in analysing the literary texts and it also helps the students to understand the literary text from different analysing perspective.

  1. Subject & Course Code: ENG-H 606-A (American Literature -Fiction & Drama)- 4 Credit

Objectives: The teachers are to give the students the bio-details of the authors, the background of the age/ time and elucidate the works of the prescribed authors in simple language, give meanings of the words/ allusions and teach the students to write reference to contexts, prepare glossary from the text and find out the philosophy of life in the works and interpret the didactic value/ moral in the literary writings, etc.

  1. Subject & Course Code: HIS 601 (World History)– 4 Credit

The Course introduces Imperialism in Africa and its impact: Liberalism and Nationalism: German and Italian Unification: Revolution of 1917 (Russian): World War I: World War II: Rise of new Ideologies- Nazism and Fascism: Cold War: Establishment of UNO.

  1. Subject & Course Code: HIS 602: Political History of the Nagas– 4 Credit

OBJECTIVE: The objective of the course is to familiarize the students on Political History of the Naga from Pre-Colonial to State Formation.

  1. Subject & Course Code: HIS 603B: Introduction To Archaeology – 4 Credit

OBJECTIVE: The course is aimed at introducing the students of ancient history to the nature of archaeological data, its method and the multidisciplinary approaches to the study of past societies.

  1. Subject & Course Code: ECO 601 (Indian Economy II)- 4 Credit

The Course examines part of Nagaland Economy- its Industrial and Agricultural Sector. In this course the students are also introduced to the structure of Indian Agriculture and Industries, the policies associated with these sectors. It highlights major policy debates and evaluates the Indian empirical evidence.

  1. Subject & Course Code: ECO 602 (Economics Of Environment)- 4 Credit
  2. Subject & Course Code: ECO 603 (b)- (Financial Institutions And Markets)- 4 Credit
  3. Subject & Course Code: POL 601 (Issues in World Politics)-4 Credit

The Course provides an introduction to the discipline of public administration. It is intended to cater to the needs of students in understanding the basic elements of administration. The paper covers Public Administration in its historical context. It seeks to embody a detailed discussion on Organisation and Personnel Administration. The importance of administrative, legislative, executive and judicial control over administration is also highlighted.

  1. Subject & Course Code: POL 602 (INDIAN ADMINISTRATION)– 4 Credit

The main purpose of the paper is to acquaint the students with the dynamics of Indian Administration. The course is intended to provide a comprehensive analysis of the Union State administrative structures as well as those of the Public Service Commission and the contemporary issues and challenges before Indian administrative.

  1. Subject & Course Code: POL 603 (GOVERNMENT & POLITICS OF NORTHEAST INDIA)– 4 Credit

The objective of this course is to familiarize students with the society and politics of Northeast India. It provides a comprehensive analysis of the traditional and social organisations of the Hill people of Northeast India. It also highlights the administrative provisions made for the Hill people during the British rule. The reorganisation of the Hills areas under the Indian constitution after independence and the contemporary issues and challenges in Northeast is emphasised.

  1. Subject & Course Code: EDN 601 (Educational Technology)- 4 Credit

Course Objectives: 1.To understand the meaning, nature and scope of educational technology

  1. Create an understanding of the application of basics of technology in the process of education 3. To familiarize with the technological advances made and to develop a positive attitude toward the use of ICT in the educational process
  2. Subject & Course Code: EDN 602 (Guidance & Counselling In Education)- 4 Credit

Course Objectives: 1.To help in understanding the meaning and importance of guidance and counselling.

  1. To develop the ability to interpret various records for assessing the students’ strengths and weaknesses.
  2. To acquaint the students to various approaches in organizing vocational guidance.
  3. To help in understanding the importance of job analysis and occupational information services.
  4. Subject & Course Code: EDN 604 (Curriculum Development & Construction)– 4 Credit

Course Objectives: 1.To understand the meaning, types and importance of Curriculum.

  1. To understand the basics of Curriculum Construction, Transaction and Evaluation
  2. To acquaint with the national policies on Curriculum.
  3. Subject & Course Code: SOC 601 (Indian Society)- 4 Credit

The course aims to present a comprehensive, integrated and empirically based profile of Indian society by emphasising on the continuity between present and past features of Indian society. It is hoped the sociological perspective on Indian society presented in this course may also enable student to gain better understanding of their own situation and region and the future developments.

  1. Subject & Course Code: SOC 602 (Urban Sociology) – 4 Credit

Main objective of the course is to provide knowledge on distinctness of sociological scholarship as a separate cognitive discipline on urban dimensions in India vis-à-vis helps to develop an understanding about the fundamental social reality, social processes and changes seen in developmental perspective of urban centre and community.

  1. Subject & Course Code: SOC 604 (Sociology Of Tribal Society)– 4 Credit

Objective of this course is to provide a comprehensive profile of tribals in terms of their distribution and concentration, demographic feature, social structure and cultural pattern. The paper aims to explain the concept of evolution and status of primitive tribes, to understand and identify the socioeconomic development.

Eligibility for B.A.

*Higher Secondary or equivalent examination

*For Honours, a minimum of 45% marks in the subjects of his/her choice at the HSSLC for Arts students and overall aggregate of at least 45% from Science/Commerce stream.